Acne Scars: Trial Tests Microneedling With Insulin and Vitamin C Interview with:
Mohamed L. Elsaie, MD
Senator at the Egyptian Senate
Professor of Dermatology, NRC, Egypt
Fellow of the University of Miami; USA

Prof. Elsaie  What is the background for this study? 

Response: Post acne scars following sebaceous injury and abnormal wound healing during the course of acne is a prevalent and challenging to treat condition To evaluate microneedling by dermapen with topical vitamin C versus microneedling with topical insulin in treating atrophic post-acne scars.

A split-face comparative study included 30 subjects with atrophic post-acne scars. Human insulin was topically applied to the left side of the face and on the right side, vitamin C serum was applied.

Winlevi: Breakthrough New Cream to Fight Acne Interview with:
Michael H. Gold, M.D. FAAD
Medical Director
Gold Skin Care Center
Tennessee Clinical Research Center  What is the background for this study?

Response: What is the background for this study? Acne is a very prevalent disease; in fact, it is the most common thing seen in dermatologists’ offices across the country.  We have not had a novel topical acne medication to treat both the inflammatory (papules and pustules) as well as the non-inflammatory acne (whiteheads and blackheads) for many years. 

Clascoterone cream (1%) is that new breakthrough topical that we have been waiting for and has a unique mechanism of action in that it targets the androgen receptors in the skin.  This unique treatment opportunity is the first new compound in over 40 years for dermatologists.

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Fight Acne: The Influence of Social Media Interview with:
Zachary Zinn, MD
Assistant Professor
J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital, WVU Medicine Children’s
Residency Program DirectorDepartment of Dermatology
Health Sciences Center
Morgantown, WV 
 Dr. Zinn is a member of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology  What is the background for this study?

Response: We noticed that many patients used acne products based on social media recommendations, oftentimes without therapeutic success.  Our goal was to better understand the influence of social media on acne treatment.   This was a survey-based study given to patients presenting to an academic dermatology practice.

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